Throwback Thursday // Exam 2013

1176171_704145199599725_853051206_nKigger idag tilbage på min graduering fra Art of Style hvor jeg fik 12 for min styling eksamen. Den altid smukke Catharina fra LeManagement stod model og jeg følte at alting faldt i hak. Temaet vi fik var steampunk vs. Versace couture.

Remebering my graduation from Art of Style, getting a, A+ on my styling exam .. The eternally beautiful Catharina from LeManagement did the modelling and I felt like everything fell into place. The theme we were given was Steampunk vs. Versace couture.


Jeg skabte selv masken ud af gamle dele fra en mekaniker og gamle smykker, og limede det hele sammen. Jeg syede små Swarovsky sten på toppen og på det lange slæb som Catharina så fin legede med og fik nogle perfekte linjer frem. Billederne er skudt af fotograf Thomas Cato.

I created the mask myself out of old parts I found at a mechanic shop and old jewelry, glued everything together. I sew tiny Swarovsky diamonds on the top and on the long sleve which Catharina beautifully threw in the air, creating perfect lines. The photos are shot by photographer Thomas Cato.


Ønsker jer alle en fantastisk torsdag // I wish you all an awesome thursday <3

– Love

A stylist’s paradise

Der har jeg været! Lige der, på en lille gade ikke langt fra Præsident’s residens i Seoul, fandt jeg paradis! Ihvertfald ifølge mit stylist hjerte. Paradiset kalder sig Bell &Nouveau L’art Objet. Her findes en kombination af deres egne designs og vintage designer items. Butikken bliver jævnligt besøgt af Korea’s K-pop stjerner, som låner tøj og accessories, jævnligt fra butikken’s showroom på første sal.

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That’s where I’ve been! Right there, on a tiny street near the President’s residence in Seoul, I found paradise! Well, at least if you ask my stylist heart. The paradise calls itself Bell & Nouveau L’art Objet. Here you will find a mix of their own designs and many vintage designer items. The Korean K-popstars regularly visit the shop to borrow clothes and accessories from their showroom on the 1st floor.

I mit hovede siger billederne mere end tusinde ord, og det var imod min vilje at jeg måtte indse at jeg ikke kunne købe hele butikken med hjem /: Bare tanken om alle de fede, ekstravagante og helt crazy billeder man kunne lave med disse kjoler og accessories. Puha. Hvis du ligesom mig er helt vild med den her shop, så har de en lille webshop på adressen her:

– Kærlighed


To me, a picture say more than a thousand words, and it was against my will, when I had to realize that I would not be able to take everything home with me /: The thought alone, about all of the awesome extravagante and crazy photographs that could be created with these beautiful dresses and accessories! Oh dear! Well, if you are as crazy about this shop as I am, they do have a webshop with a small selection of their items here:

– Love